Single hook Owner RL9330-04 with line 0.30mm

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OWNER company may be the biggest choice of hook. The variety of the large selection is first of all related to the fact that the company expresses the principle of creating a special hook model for each specific type of fish and fish. OWNER works in close cooperation with research institutes that study the structure and behavior of fish. It is common knowledge that the shape of the mouth and, of course, the feeding behavior and ways of swallowing food differ among different fish breeds. Based on this data, OWNER has created a hundred types of hooks, each specialized for one or more species of fish or specialized for all kinds of fishing. All OWNER hooks are made of only high-quality steel and have a very strong strength. In the past, the huge size of hooks for big, strong fish is explained by the fact that such hooks, which must withstand a greater load, are applied with thicker wire, which naturally increases the size of the hook. Durability problems OWNER decided not thanks to the size, but thanks to the quality of the steel, the calculation of the ideal hook shape and high production technology. In the production process, quality control is carried out first by carefully checking the wire itself, and then the hooks are finished that meet the specified characteristics. The sharpening with a specific laser, called cutting point, has not been repeated by competitors. The entire range of hooks from the OWNER company can be divided into 4 large groups: single hook circle, scoop hooks, double hooks and triples. Each of the above groups includes several series, and each series differs from the others in both technical and functional purposes. OWNER hooks, even one series, may differ in color performance. Each "color" has its own coating strength. The strongest coating is black chrome, the next is Tin, followed by Gold, White, Brown, Blue and closes the strength table of coatings with Red color. Such various color layers allow the hook color to be optimally matched according to the fishing conditions. This fishing brand is consistently popular with both fishermen and fishing merchandise sellers. For the past 3 decades, WNER has been a recognized leader among manufacturers of hooks, oiled rings, carabiners and fasteners for all kinds of sport and industrial fishing, as well as the best-selling premium brand. When you buy OWNER hooks, you are buying the best deal on the market. • Article: .325
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