Heating Mat ideal heat source for an optimum supply to terrarium inhabitants supports the healing process of sick animals and increases their well-being supports the digestive process and activity with overheat control breaker use only outside the terrarium more than one terrarium can be supplied with the warmth from one heating mat, depending on the size and surface area of the terrariums
Väga varjuliste kohtade tarbeks ette nähtud murusegu. Sobiv külvata vanade/suurte puude alla, parkidesse, hoonete varju jäävale pinnale. hea varjutaluvus on saavutatud taimeliigi valikuga, millele vari on loomulik kasvukeskkond. vajalik on õige väetamine, eriti kamara moodustamise ajal esimesel aastal pärast külvi. Soovituslik külvinorm on 20g/m2.