Cultivation, Fertilizing
Green soap with probiotic ferments 500ml
€5.20Green - is a ready to use fermented product for plant care, as well as for cleaning waterproof surfaces. Removes unpleasant odors.
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Rose fertilizer 1kg
€5.19 -15% €4.42Fertilizer granules for ornamental plants, NPK 10-10-18 (+2% MgO) Mineral NPK fertiliser with magnesium. Quick-action for strong growth and luscious flowering.
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Autumn Lawn Fertilizer, 2,5 kg
€6.66 -15% €5.66NPK 10-5-20 (+4 % MgO), for approx. 75 m². Ideal for the regeneration after the summer. With high potassium content and slow release effect.
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Substral Orchids Fert W. Humus 250 Ml
€3.80Õitsemist soodustav orgaanilis-mineraalne väetislahus erinevate orhideede jt epifüütide väetamiseks. Sisaldab taimede kasvuks ja arenguks kõiki vajalike toitaineid (makro- ja mikroelemente) mis tagavad optimaalse kasvu ja arengu, rikkaliku õitsemise, lehtede ja õite värvikirkuse aastaringselt. Väetisele on lisatud looduslikku Leonardiiti (suure humiinhappesisaldusega orgaaniline sete), mis tõstab taimede bioloogilist aktiivsust. Parandab toiteainete omastamist mullast ja veekasutust. Vähendab taimede stressi, tõstab vastupanuvõimet taimehaiguste suhtes. In Stock -
Rhododendron Fertilizer 500 ml
€2.24 -15% €1.90NPK 6-5-6 + trace elements High-grad liquid fertilizer combination with extra trace elements. For strong growth and rich flower formation of rhododendrons, heathers and all other bog plants. Quick-action while watering the plants.
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Advanced Star - LedStar 50W LED bulb - 6500K growing
€21.82 -27% €15.93Advanced Star 50W - 6500K LED bulbs are specially designed for all your indoor crops. LED technology has low energy consumption and emits very little heat.
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