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Weekly Deals
Weekly Deals
Lašinimo juosta 16 / 14 mil / 30cm / 2,0l/h HIRRO DRIP 1000m196,08 € −17% 162,75 €
Prieškambario komplektas NOVA 145x40xH137cm, ąžuolas/juodas237,35 € −28% 170,89 €
Vazonas augalams Birka 80 x 17 x h16cm su tvirtinimo komplektu, uosis
The laconic design of the BIRKA balcony box opens up great opportunities for accent landscaping. Perfectly fitting into any design style, the BIRKA box (with the participation of plants, of course) will create an atmosphere filled with beauty and comfort. The box is made of durable plastic: it is wear-resistant, neutral to atmospheric impact. Having a flawless and natural appearance, the box combines other advantages. First of all, I would like to say that the basis of the product is recycled plastic. As you can see, this product does not harm the environment in any way, and on the contrary, it has a positive effect. Another positive quality is hypoallergenicity. Suitable for greening any plant.
Temperature of storage product: -30°C + 60°C