Weekly Deals
Weekly Deals
Lašinimo juosta 16 / 14 mil / 30cm / 2,0l/h HIRRO DRIP 1000m196,08 € −17% 162,75 €
Prieškambario komplektas NOVA 145x40xH137cm, ąžuolas/juodas237,35 € −28% 170,89 €
List of products by brand ECOO | ECO-oh!
Ecoo recycles residual household plastics into new products that matter. This is how they give this raw material a sustainable place in the world again. Ecoo products are fully recycled and fully recyclable - for a cleaner planet and happy people.
ECOO presents range of sustainable garden products. Discover range and let yourself be surprised by the numerous benefits, including easy, effecient installation, being maintenance-free with an eztra-long lifespan, being 100% recyclable, and coming with a 10-year guarantee.