Mooduldiivan SERENITY 2-kohaline, parema käetoega1 402,84 € −28% 1 010,04 €
Söögilaud TURIN 90x165/225xH75cm, suitsutamm, tammespooniga MDF, puit, õlitatud1 358,64 € −28% 978,22 €
Diivan MELODY 2-kohaline, hall, 160x88xH76cm, puit, vineer, polüesterkangas1 445,04 € −28% 1 040,43 €
Nurgadiivanvoodi TITO 235x94/141,5xH96cm, tumehall1 211,39 € −28% 872,20 €
The Cotton Cordell Wally Diver has proven that its slender profile and tight wiggle produce big walleye and bass. It's very effective on the Great Lakes. Its tight compact action increases hooksets and is equally effective whether cast or trolled. The Wally Diver series is Cotton Cordell's most popular lure and if you use one, you'll see just why they are so popular.